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Inter-American Affairs

The Americas share a long and complicated history. From shared experiences with colonization and revolutions in the late-1700s to early-1800s to U.S. interventionism and immigration linkages, the Americas are deeply intwined. These legacies and the histories of countries across the Western Hemisphere have led to shared problems that deserve collective responses and that countries—including the United States—can learn from the experiences of others. However, despite these connections, the United States is often accused of neglecting Latin America and the Caribbean as it focuses on other parts of the globe or domestic issues. The lack of attention has led to poor policies and efforts that recreate existing problems in relations between the United States and the region.


As a firm believer in Pan Americanism and in Latin American and Caribbean states’ own agency, Adam has conducted numerous analyses of Inter-American affairs that place the region’s linkages, history, and shared challenges at their core. He regularly argues for a better understanding of the interests of partner nations across the region and for the need to recognize how U.S. engagement is viewed by these partners. Ratzlaff has provided commentary on a number of issues related to Inter-American affairs and regularly engages with stakeholders on these issues.

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