Cultural Diplomacy
While the study and practice of international relations often focuses on the engagement between governments and diplomats, there is perhaps no area that draws people together or showcases national pride than culture. With the Americas sharing many historic and cultural ties, cultural diplomacy can serve an important role in strengthening ties across the Americas. Adam’s own interest in U.S.-Latin American foreign policy developed as a result of noting the similarities between Northern New Mexico and Southeast Brazil when he was an exchange student—from bull riding and food to parallels in traditional and popular music. He has sought to highlight these connections and explore historic and contemporary policies that can be leveraged to deepen and strengthen Pan American identity while recognizing and embracing the diversity of the region.
In addition to his own research and writing on cultural diplomacy, Ratzlaff served as rapporteur for Salzburg Global Seminar’s “Currents of Change: Redefining Cultural Diplomacy for the Future We Need.” Hosted at the house used as the Von Trapp Family home in The Sound of Music, the Seminar brought together academics, artists, activists, and policymakers to discuss the state of cultural diplomacy and strategies for strengthening artistic exchanges.
Select Publications
“Birds of a Feather?: Lessons on U.S. Cultural Diplomacy from Walt Disney during the Good Neighbor Policy.” International Journal of Cultural Policy (2023).
“Improvising and Harmonizing Inter-American Music Diplomacy.” Inkstick (2024, with Jeffery Tobin).
“The Future of Cultural Diplomacy.” Diplomatic Courier (2022).
“The Halls are Alive with the Sound of Music.” Diplomatic Courier (2022).
“Artists, Activists, and Diplomats.” Diplomatic Courier (2022).